
Landing Claiming & Protection

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Bypass Mode


As a staff member on a Minecraft server, you need to be able to check up on your players and help them as needed.
However, chances are you’re there to play as well, which is why Domain does not give any sweeping powers to mods/admins by default.

Instead, Domain utilizes a Bypass mode - when activated, bypass mode gives you access to players Domain fields as though you were the owner, so you could help them resize, turn flags on/off, help them set up rent fields etc.

When bypass mode is off, you would no longer be treated like the owner of the field.

To activate bypass mode, you must have one of the following permisisons

And then use the following command to toggle it on or off.

/domain bypass

Players in bypass mode will have a bossbar at the top of the page.

Domain Bypass

Players with one of the following permissions would also receive a notification that players are in bypass mode:

Actions that could impact the field are recorded when a player performs the action in bypass mode.