
Landing Claiming & Protection

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Change Log 1.8.3

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Idle Kicking, Kicking non-allowed from field, New Commands, Bug Fixes

New Commands

List own fields

/domain me

This command will display a list of all the Domain fields that you own. If allow_self_teleport_to_field is set to true in the config, a teleport option will be available Requires the domain.field permission

Back after idling

/domain back

This command can only be called if a player has been kicked from a field for idling, only if they haven’t moved (within a few blocks) since being kicked, only if they have the domain.idle.back permission

Bug Fixes

Permission Changes


Required if you want the player to be able to use /domain back

Config File changes

Add the following to config.yml

# If true, when a player runs /domain me - they'll have an option to teleport to the field
allow_self_teleport_to_field: false

# If true, field kicks will always send the player to spawn
field_kick_direct_to_spawn: false

# Number of minutes between a new field being placed and the idle kick / kick command being accessible
new_field_kick_cooldown: 10

# Number of seconds between checking if someone is idle.  Set to 0 to disable completely
idle_cycle_seconds: 20

# Number of times the idle timer runs before considering someone idle
# If idle_cycle_seconds = 20 and idle_cycles_before_kick = 6, then 20 * 6 = 120 seconds
# So if someone does not change their location in 120 seconds, they are considered idle
idle_cycles_before_kick: 6

Block Config Changes (Optional - defaults to false)

Add the following to your block configurations if you wish to allow the Who is in Field button to kick players

# Set allow_who_in_kick to true if you want to allow players to kick non-allowed players from their field
allow_who_in_kick: true

Update Flags File

Add the following to flags.yml

    name: "&bKick idle players out"
    lore: "&fKicks out players who are not allowed|&fin the field if they idle for too long"
    locked: false

Update Language File

Add the following to lang.yml

help_user: "&lDomain Help\n&5/domain allow &b<player name>&r - Allows a player into the current field\n&5/domain buy&r - Allows you to buy a Domain block\n&5/domain disallow &b<player name>&r - Disallows a player from the current field\n&5/domain display &bclear&f|&bcorners&f|&bcube&f|&bring&r - Displays the current field\n&5/domain get &6<block type>&r - Allows you to get a Domain Block\n&5/domain list&r - Lists all the fields at your current location\n&5/domain search &bowner&f|&btype&f|&bworld &6<search term>&r - Searches for Domain Blocks\n&5/domain url&r - Displays the URL for the help pages for Domain"
help_admin: "&lAdmin Commands\n&d/domain bypass&r - Toggles bypass mode\n&d/domain debug&r - Toggles debug mode &4[use with caution]\n&d/domain give &6<player name> &6<block name>&r - Gives a Domain block to the player\n&d/domain purge &4- Purges old Domain Blocks [USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION!]&r\n&d/domain purge_list&r - Lists the Domain Blocks that can be purged\n&d/domain reload&r - Reloads the config\ndomain version&r - Displays the current version"
command_me_no_results: "&4No Domain fields found"
command_me_header: "&5Your Domain Fields"
command_back_success: "&2You have been returned to your prior location"
command_back_disabled: "&4Idle kick is disabled, so the Back command cannot be used"
command_back_no_prior: "&4No prior idle location found"
command_back_not_safe: "&4Unable to return to prior idle location as it is not a safe place to teleport to"
command_back_too_far: "&4Unable to return to prior idle location, you have moved too far from where you were kicked to"
idle_kick: "&4You have been kicked out of the Domain field for idling"
idle_kick_warning: "&4You have been idle in this Domain field for too long and will be kicked out of it shortly.  To avoid this, move away from your current location"
who_in: "<%color%><%player%>"
who_in_hover: "&fClick here to kick the player out of the field"
who_in_title: "&lPlayers in Field: "