
Landing Claiming & Protection

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Change Log 1.9.5

This update allows Domain to play nicely with WorldGuard, but only in that it will not allow you to place a Domain block in a WorldGuard protected region.

Domain is, and will continue to be non-reliant on WorldGuard.

Change Log 1.9.4

This update adds a new option in the block configuration

snap_to_chunk: true

If true, snap to chunk will default the field to the dimensions of the chunk it is placed in. It is HIGHLY recommended that you set visualize_ring = true and visualize_corners = false in order to avoid lag displaying the field.

When snap to chunk is true, the default_radius, default_height_up, default_height_down, and ignore_y_axis will be disregarded.

Note that if you wish to retain this ONLY to the chunk it is placed in, also set prevent_resize = true.

An example of how to use this block is available in the miningrights.yml file

Change Log 1.9.3

Fixes a bug that could cause an error message to be displayed that you cannot craft with a Domain block when you were not

/domain cancel command added - When resizing a field, this can be used to cancel the resize, remove visualization, and removes any wands you may have

Two new lang.yml entries required:

command_resize_cancel: "&2Resize has been cancelled"
command_resize_cancel_na: "&4You are not currently resizing a field"

Change Log 1.9.2

Marks Domain as 1.18 compatible Domain no longer supports Minecraft 1.13

Change Log 1.9.0

Marks Domain as 1.17 compatible This update contains bug fixes which prevented the ‘ring’ visualization working, as well as turning field visualization off on new fields.