Change Log 1.9.10
This update adds a new flag, alters behavior or two others, and includes some bug fixes.
This flag will prevent non-allowed players from planting crops in the field
If updating, please add the following to flags.yml
PREVENT_CROP_PLANTING_BY_NONALLOWED: name: “&bPrevent Crop Planting” lore: “&fPrevents Non-Allowed Players from planting crops” icon_on: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE icon_off: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE locked: false
And the following to lang.yml
crop_planting_refused: “&4You cannot plant crops here”
With this change, PREVENT_BREAK no longer protects harvesting crops (use PREVENT_CROP_HARVEST_BY_NONALLOWED) and PREVENT_BUILD will no longer prevent crops from being planted (use PREVENT_CROP_PLANTING_BY_NONALLOWED)
Bug fixes include, but are not limited to console log spamming when working with permissions.