Creating an Infected Sample
If you’d like to dabble in biological warfare, or if you’d like to start creating vaccines and more enhanced cures, you’re going to need infected samples.
An infected sample is created by culturing a sample of infected blood in an incubation chamber. The infected sample can then be stored, or used to create things like Infected Arrows, or vaccines (coming soon!).
To get an Infected Sample, you’ll need to do the following:
Crafting an Empty Syringe
An empty syringe is required to draw blood from a sick player. You can craft one easily by combining a level with a glass bottle
Locate a sick player and get their blood!
You can ask around, or you look for players showing symptoms. Doctors (coming soon) can diagnose sick players.
Once you’ve found your victim donor, put the empty syringe in your main hand, and right click the player. Your empty syringe will be replaced with a full syringe, which is hopefully (if the player is sick) infected. Hovering over your full syringe will tell you if it is infected, and what with.
Using the Full syringe
You have a few options once you have a full syringe of infected blood.
You can store it for future use (You never know when a vial of bubonic plague may come in handy)
You can inject it into another player (the up close and personal approach to infecting players). To inject a player with a full syringe, simply place it in your main hand, then right click the player. Depeneding on how the disease is set up, the player will likely be infected immediately. You will receive your empty syringe back.
You can culture the blood into a workable sample
Culturing an Infected Sample
To culture a sample, you’ll need an Incubation Chamber, a Hazmat Suit, and at least one infected blood sample
An Incubation Chamber can be constructed using a glass block, an iron block, and a heavy pressure plate. To create it, place the Iron block, then the glass block on top of that, then the pressure plate on top
Once it is created, you MUST be wearing a Hazmat Suit, then using it is as simple as placing the full syringe in your main hand, and right clicking the glass block. Your syringe will be taken away, and you will receive an infected sample.
Once you have your sample, you can take off the Hazmat suit, and either store sample for future use, or use it to craft some Infected Arrows, or Infected splash potion.