
Landing Claiming & Protection

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Potion Effects

Potion effects are used for both ailments and remedies.

They are used in the add_effects and remove_effects part of the configuration files, in the example below, SLOW is added for 60 seconds with an amplifier of 2, and weakness is added for 5 seconds with an amplifier of 1.

    time: 60
    amplifier: 2
    time: 5
    amplifier: 1

The list of possible effects are below, use the name on the left for each effect. Using this list, we can see the example above has SLOW = Decreases movement speed, and WEAKNESS = Decreases damage dealt by an entity.

Note that some may be Minecraft version dependent.

ABSORPTION            - Increases the maximum health of an entity with health that cannot be regenerated, but is refilled every 30 seconds.
BAD_OMEN              - Bad Omen
BLINDNESS             - Blinds an entity.
CONDUIT_POWER         - Effects granted by a nearby conduit.
CONFUSION             - Warps vision on the client.
DAMAGE_RESISTANCE     - Decreases damage dealt to an entity.
DOLPHINS_GRACE        - Dolphins Grace
FAST_DIGGING          - Increases dig speed.
FIRE_RESISTANCE       - Stops fire damage.
GLOWING               - Outlines the entity so that it can be seen from afar.
HARM                  - Hurts an entity.
HEAL                  - Heals an entity.
HEALTH_BOOST          - Increases the maximum health of an entity.
HERO_OF_THE_VILLAGE   - Hero of the Village
HUNGER                - Increases hunger.
INCREASE_DAMAGE       - Increases damage dealt.
INVISIBILITY          - Grants invisibility.
JUMP                  - Increases jump height.
LEVITATION            - Causes the entity to float into the air.
LUCK                  - Loot table luck.
NIGHT_VISION          - Allows an entity to see in the dark.
POISON                - Deals damage to an entity over time.
REGENERATION          - Regenerates health.
SATURATION            - Increases the food level of an entity each tick.
SLOW                  - Decreases movement speed.
SLOW_DIGGING          - Decreases dig speed.
SLOW_FALLING          - Slows entity fall rate.
SPEED                 - Increases movement speed.
UNLUCK                - Loot table unluck.
WATER_BREATHING       - Allows breathing underwater.
WEAKNESS              - Decreases damage dealt by an entity.
WITHER                - Deals damage to an entity over time and gives the health to the shooter.